Today is Metamour's Day, February 28. They picked this day to celebrate the partners of our partners because it's twice the number of Valentine's -so a degree out - which I think is a cute conceit - and I'd like to give a quick appreciation post, a digital high-five if you will, to my metamours Daniel and Bella GreenWolf on this Metamours' day (do we say it plural or not? Does anyone know? I can't find a straight answer).
I don't have a good way to say what I want to say beyond thank you - you make him incredibly happy between garden variety everyone being stir crazy because we've all been doing this for 50 damn weeks, and you're good people. Happy Metamour's day, regardless of how made up this or any other holiday is.

Our giveaway of the Jealousy Workbook ended yesterday, thank you to everyone who entered. Our winner by roll of a very nerdy large die is Amy, who has an email in her inbox, so if you aren't sure if it's you, check your email! I need an answer from you to ship you the workbook.
Today is the last day that tickets to the conference I'm teaching at in March are $25 instead of $30 plus fees, so head over to if you're interested in hearing me teach my Beyond the Kitchen Table class plus a few other polyamory speakers, some movement teachers, and a lot of rope instructors over March 19-21.
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