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Podcast Season 2 Episode 2: Hierarchy

Dr. Liz Powell and Laura discuss Prescriptive, Descriptive, and Sneaky Hierarchies - as well as a bunch of jokes, sight gags, Dr. Liz's New Year's Project, and how fear and trauma intersect with hierarchy and rules.

"Look, let's use an example that has nothing to do with polyamory - Let's talk about TERFs."

Laura talks with Dr. Liz Powell (despite the best efforts of the local cable internet monopoly to make it impossible to do so) about hierarchies in polyamorous networks. They touch on reasons people often enter their polyamorous journies with prescriptive hierarchies in place, and what the distinction of using these terms descriptively rather than prescriptively means, as well as situations where hierarchies might appear by surprise or "sneakily." Some of the conversation turns a little 'blue,' and is frank about sex and STIs, maybe don't listen to this one with the kids under teen age, so I'm marking the episode accordingly.

Dr. Liz is a sex educator, therapist, speaker, and popular podcast guest who works with singles, couples, and polycules across the sexual spectra to improve their lives - including the sexual portions of them. They work with anyone who wants to cultivate healthy, consent-driven, and autonomy-focused relationships, although non-monogamists, non-binary folx, kinksters, and queerdos are a special focus. You can learn more about their therapy practice (licensed in CA and OR) and coaching at their site, become a backer of their Patreon for early access and exclusive content at their Patreon at, buy their book "Building Open Relationships" here or follow their social media for more information on their future work.

This January they're leading an initiative to go into the New Year treating ourselves well with self-love for our present beings, instead of beating our bodies up with diet and exercise resolutions for a future self. You can find more information on that here.

The home of the podcast remains, both blog and podcast can be supported either monthly at the Patreon or in a one-off at

As always, intro and outro music is provided by the talented Vince Conaway and his hammered dulcimer, who can be found at .

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